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The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon 3 (The Overlord's Depraved Tales) Page 2

  “Master! Yes, Master!”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No! No! Please fuck me!”

  “Arggh!” he roared, tugging on her hips and thrusting deeply. Ava screamed and her breath came in moaning pants as The Overlord began a steady rhythm of pounding into her. She knew she would bruise from his hands on her hips but she didn’t care. It was as if she had an ache deep inside her that could not be healed. She needed The Overlord’s hard fucking to cure her. Nothing mattered but the throbbing cock inside of her, pounding into her, owning her, possessing her.

  She yielded to The Overlord and his cock. She was his completely and she let him take her body to be used for his sick desires. And as much as The Overlord was using her body, she knew that she needed it just as much as he did.

  The Overlord’s pace became frenzied and Ava bounced up and down as he drove into her, her small body flapping against him as he continued to have his way with her. He reached his hand around and began pushing on her clit and making small circles. Ava cried out only once before she came, bucking and shaking as he continued to drive into her. Moments later The Overlord came too, roaring her name as he shot his hot liquid deep inside her.

  “Take my cum!” he groaned, “let it fill your belly!”

  Ava barely registered his words, as she was too busy moaning with lust. Suddenly she felt light headed and then everything went black.


  When Ava awoke she was tucked into The Overlord’s bed with Jolie at her side. Jolie smiled kindly and handed Ava a glass of yellow liquid.

  “Drink this.”

  Ava drank obediently and the fuzziness in her head seemed to recede.

  “What happened?”

  Jolie went to open her mouth but suddenly The Overlord appeared at the foot of the bed.

  “I fucked you so hard you passed out,” he explained, an obvious note of pride in his voice.

  Ava smiled weakly. The aphrodisiac had nearly worn off and she was now disgusted that the sex had been so intense that it had caused her to black out.

  The Overlord moved to the bed beside her. “My dick owns you,” he whispered before caressing her hair and then disappearing from the bedside.

  “You’re going to be sore,” Jolie said knowingly. Ava tried to shift in bed and she winced. Jolie was right. She hadn’t recalled the sex being that rough, but it must have been. Something about the different angle must have damaged her more than normal.

  “I’ve already advised him that he will need to wait a few days before you take up your activities again.”

  Ava nodded; a slight silver lining to her situation.

  Jolie helped her rise and dressed her in a fluffy robe. The Overlord was sitting in a chair as they left, his body hunched over so that he looked like a gargoyle statue. He rose and came to Ava.

  “I am sorry I abused your delicate body. I will eagerly await our next encounter.”

  Ava nodded and allowed Jolie to lead her out of the room. When they arrived at Ava’s room, she noticed that it was filled with new materials. Everything she needed to make her dream ball gown was here. As anxious as she was to get started, she still felt incredibly weak.

  “You need to rest,” Jolie said helping her into bed. Ava groaned but she knew it was true. The area between her thighs was throbbing and not in a good way. She could feel bruises on her hips and thighs blossoming and her head ached.

  “Why does my head hurt?”

  “Probably the drugs wearing off. The more accustomed your body becomes to the drugs, the more your body desires them.”

  Ava groaned. Another reason she needed to escape. She reached out and clutched Jolie’s hand tightly. “I’m going to need your help soon, Jolie,” she said cryptically, staring into Jolie’s eyes, hoping to convey the meaning behind her words. “There’s to be a Monster Ball a week from tomorrow and it’s very important that I have you on hand to assist me.”

  Something flashed in Jolie’s eyes, and she nodded her head. “Absolutely,” she said. “Now you need to rest.”

  Ava gave in and sank back into her pillows.


  After a brief nap, Ava awoke to her stomach grumbling, so she decided to rise and get ready for dinner. She winced getting out of bed, and gently pulled on a pair of black pants and a modest green blouse. She missed her fashion forward clothes from home. In the bathroom, she examined her bruises up close and was repulsed to see how she looked. Her hips and thighs were covered in angry bruises and her inner thighs were a deep shade of purple.

  The last thing she felt like doing was enduring a dinner with all of the women, but she was hungry nonetheless. Just before the doors unlocked, a knock came at her door. Ava opened the door to a young woman who did not look familiar. She was dressed in the same blue uniform that Jolie wore and Ava noticed that her eyes were yellow and her hands had a claw-like quality.

  “I’m Ramsey,” she explained. “I’m here to take you to dinner. The Overlord has arranged a special meal for you.”

  Ava wondered what hideous monster had bred with her mother to make her look the way that she did.

  “Okay. Thank you, Ramsey,” she said, following the woman slowly down the hallway. Her body still felt battered from the rough sex she had endured earlier. The woman went towards the dining room and then veered left and took Ava through a door. They bumped directly into Marcello who must have been moving quickly. He yelled in surprise. Once he realized it was Ava, he looked longingly at her, his usual cockiness and bravado gone.

  “I didn’t realize you were here Marcello,” Ramsey said, bowing her head with modesty. “Please excuse us.”

  “No, not to worry,” he said quickly, his eyes glued to Ava. “Ava,” he said softly, nodding to her before quickly disappearing.

  Unsure of what had just happened, Ava shook her head in confusion and followed Ramsey. Ramsey opened another door and Ava was shocked to see Michelle sitting in what seemed to be a small sitting room.

  “Ava!” Michelle cried out, hugging her friend.

  Ava hugged her back. “I don’t understand,” she said looking from Michelle to Ramsey.

  “The Overlord knows this human is a dear friend of yours. He arranged for you to have dinner with her. He feels that he has been keeping you away from the others. This food will be completely natural.”



  Ava smiled with relief. It would be a breath of fresh air to eat a meal without feeling the intense desire to fuck whichever beast was nearby. Ava and Michelle sat down and a butler came in, setting a few plates of food between the women. Ramsey bowed slightly and followed the butler out.

  “How are you?” Ava asked, reaching over to clutch her friend’s hand.

  Michelle shrugged. “I’m okay. I’m a little disappointed they aren’t putting the drugs in this food.”


  “I was hoping to have a session in the Lair after dinner. I won’t want to now without the drugs.”

  Ava shook her head sadly. “Michelle, don’t you want to leave?”

  “Why would ask me that?”

  “Because this isn’t our life!” Ava said with frustration. “We were on top of the world! We had just closed a huge deal with Macy’s!”

  She saw a glimmer in Michelle’s eyes and then Michelle sank her head in her hands. “I just have such a hard time remembering anything before this. I do want to get home and have our old life back. It’s just that I forget. As soon as I eat, all I can think about is fucking. It consumes me.” She began to cry. “What’s wrong with me Ava?”

  “Nothing is wrong,” Ava soothed, rubbing Michelle’s back. She thought for sure that something else was going on but she had no idea what it could be. Was someone else slipping Michelle other drugs?

  “Michelle, is there anything else that you are eating or drinking that other people are not?”

  Michelle looked up at her through her watery eyes. “Like what?”

&nbs p; “I don’t know. Is there anything else you consume besides the three meals a day?”

  “I drink the juice in the morning, but everyone has one,” she looked at Ava’s confused expression, “don’t they?”

  “What juice?”

  “You know, the juice that comes through the box thingy right before breakfast?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not getting a juice.” Ava sighed in frustration. “But maybe other women are getting juice. My circumstances are different.”

  Michelle laughed bitterly. “Yes, you get special circumstances since The Overlord has taken to you.”

  “Do you think I want that? And how do you know that I’m not using those circumstances to my advantage?”

  Michelle stopped and studied Ava. “Are you?” she asked in a small voice.

  “We’ll talk about that in a minute. You need to make sure that you ask other women if they are getting a special juice in the morning. If not, then you need to stop drinking it immediately. That could be what is altering your personality so much.”

  Michelle nodded. “Can you tell me about your special circumstances?”

  Ava took a deep breath. “I’m a little hesitant because you haven’t been yourself. Let’s find out about the juice first.”

  The women ate in silence for a few minutes.

  “There is going to be a ball,” Ava told her.


  “Next week. The women are going to get to dress up and we will socialize with the beasts. I’m sure we will be filled with drugs to make it a memorable night.” Ava made a mental note to ask Jolie what could be done to stop the aphrodisiac from taking over their systems once they ate.


  “Yes. The Overlord has given me a sewing machine and allowed me to make my own dress. I can ask him if I can make one for you. Would you like that?”

  Michelle smiled gratefully. “Oh, Ava, I’d love that! You know I would.”

  The rest of the meal passed quickly as Ava and Michelle fell into their old rhythm. Ava felt alive and almost normal again without the drugs and spending time with Michelle. All too soon, Ramsey appeared to take the women back to their rooms. Michelle watched Ava move gingerly through the halls but said nothing.

  Once back in her room, Ava began working on her dress. A few hours passed and she had an idea. She suddenly needed to speak to The Overlord. She wondered if he would allow her to see him at this hour.

  Ava picked up the phone in her room and was connected to a smooth female voice. Perhaps another creature of both breeds?

  “Umm, yes, I know that it is getting late, but I was wondering if I could speak with The Overlord?”

  “You would like to speak to him now?”

  “Yes, please. If that is possible.”

  “Please hold.”

  Ava waited patiently for the crisp voice to come back. “He will see you. Someone will collect you shortly.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  The line went dead and Ava waited anxiously for someone to fetch her. There was a knock at her door and she pulled it open to see Franco.


  “Good evening, miss. Please follow me.”

  Ava thought nothing of his forced formality and she followed obediently.

  “I’m hatching a plan,” she whispered, “We will make our move the night of The Monster Ball.”

  Franco gave her a small, discreet nod as they entered the elevator. She quickly came to the correct floor and Franco remained just by the elevator doors. “I’ll be waiting for you here to escort you back.”

  Ava nodded and entered the chambers. She was not prepared for what she saw when she entered.

  The Overlord was entangled with two women, but they weren’t exactly women. They were the half-breeds that worked behind the scenes at Valanya. One of the women was bent over, her body folded unnaturally in half, as if she didn’t have a spine. Her skin looked shiny and slippery and her arms and legs were covered with barnacles. She had an exotic looking face and inky black hair, and The Overlord was ramming his cock into her rubbery-looking asshole while spanking her fleshy ass.

  As if that wasn’t bad enough, the other creature seemed to be hovering above The Overlord. She had dark purple hair and large, feathery wings that sprouted from her human-like torso and they beat in the air, keeping her aloft. She seemed to be bouncing on top of The Overlord’s head but upon further examination, Ava realized she creature was fucking The Overlord’s horns. She seemed to have two openings between her legs and the distance was just so that she was riding The Overlord’s horns and experiencing a magnificent double penetration, as evidenced by her loud screams.

  Ava stood rooted to the ground, she felt like a disgusting intruder but she was unable to move. The scene unfolding in front of her was something out of a monster porn film and finally she let out a small cry of horror as she turned on her feet and ran from the room.

  The Overlord heard her and his head snapped up. “Ava!” he cried, disentangling himself from the creatures as they cried out in protest. Ava didn’t wait and she ran quickly from the room and to the elevators where she saw Franco waiting patiently. He didn’t seem surprised to see her running towards him and he opened the elevator doors for her.

  “Ava!” The Overlord bellowed, tearing down the hall after her. He reached the elevator and grabbed Franco by the neck, pushing him up the wall.

  “Let him go!” Ava screamed but Franco seemed unfazed.

  “I said in an hour!” The Overlord screamed as Franco began to cough and turn purple.

  “You’re hurting him! Let him go!” Ava shrieked.

  “I wasn’t told in an hour,” Franco sputtered.

  “Please! He can’t breathe!”

  The Overlord released Franco and he fell to the floor in a heap, coughing and choking as he caught his breath.

  “Where is Jolie?” The Overlord shouted. Ava shrank back into the elevator. It was bad enough seeing Franco nearly choked to death and now she would need to endure whatever happened to Jolie.

  Jolie came calmly down the hallway, her shrewd eyes moving over Franco’s slumped body and Ava’s cowering one.

  “Yes, Master?” she asked in a cool and even voice.

  “Is this your doing?” The Overlord growled.

  “I am not sure what you mean.”

  “I told you to send for Ava in an hour.”

  “Yes, sir. But I see that she is here now.”

  “Obviously!” The Overlord screamed, smacking Jolie across the face.

  “No!” Ava cried out.

  Jolie held a hand up to silence Ava and she cradled her sore cheek in her palm. “I’m sorry, Master. I believe that’s what I told Franco.”

  “He claims he was never told that!”

  “I’m fairly certain, Master.”

  The Overlord turned his angry gaze to Franco who was starting to return to his normal shade of olive brown. “What say you?”

  “I don’t think I was told that. I’m having a hard time remembering.”

  “Imbeciles,” The Overlord hissed. “You both are a disgrace! Get out of my sight! Worthless!”

  Franco scrambled up and quickly went down the hallway. Jolie scampered off in the opposite direction.

  The Overlord turned to Ava who was still pressed up against the elevator walls.

  “Cucciola mia, I am so sorry. You were not meant to see that,” he said softly. Ava shook her head, not wanting to step out of the elevator. She wasn’t sure of her feelings. Part of her felt disgust, but another part of her felt hurt as if he had cheated on her. She knew that was ridiculous, unless she was drugged, Ava was repulsed by The Overlord. But somehow Ava felt that he had betrayed her.

  Why wouldn’t he have shared that he was fucking other creatures as well? Did Ava really think that she was so special that The Overlord was only fucking her? She had known that he wasn’t fucking any other women, but it had never occurred to her that he might be slip ping his cock into other monsters.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked in a small voice.

  “Please, my sweet Ava. Let’s go to my chambers. We can talk about it there.”

  Ava studied The Overlord unsure of what she wanted to do. “I was coming up here to tell you something,” she said sullenly.

  “Please, my human. I can explain and you can share with me.”

  Ava nodded and she stepped out of the elevator, following The Overlord. She was relieved to see that the two half-breeds had cleared out and she sat stiffly on the sofa, waiting for an explanation.

  “You see, Ava, I only see you during the day time hours because that is when I feel the most human. You help me feel some humanity and there is nothing I enjoy more than pushing into your tight human pussy.”

  Ava sniffed and looked away.

  “But you see,” he continued, “I am a monster. Through and through I am hideous to the core even when I try to be polite and kind to you. Once the sun sets, my beast tendencies become heightened. The pull for evil and fucking becomes even stronger. I crave something more than human pussy. I crave the grotesque and the broken. A sweet girl like you has no place for my world at night. I would ruin you, destroy you if I brought you to my room after darkness. I would not be able to control myself and I would probably kill you in my lust to possess the warm flesh between your legs.”

  Ava shuddered at his candid and chilling words.

  “During the evening I call upon the female beasts of the building. They have nowhere else to go and they owe me for the kindness I have shown for allowing them to live here. Not all are interested in my desires, but many are. Each night I bring different creatures into my bed, fucking them with reckless abandon. Last night I did not get my fill and I fear that is why I was too rough with you today. I am truly sorry for damaging you today and even more sorry that you had to witness this. Franco and Jolie will be reprimanded for their careless behavior.”

  “No,” she said quickly. “Please don’t. I think they made a mistake. I shouldn’t even be trying to contact you at night.”

  The Overlord stretched out against the table, his greedy eyes roaming across her body. His hand moved idly between his legs.

  “Pray tell, why you came to me this evening.”